Divine Tulsi

Divine Tulsi Honey

The word Tulasi (Tulsi/Basil) automatically invokes divinity. Usually this plant flowers from Mid- to late summer (upto June). The flowers are small, usually violet in color. There are several Tulsi gardens with a few acres of Tulsi plants. The beekeeper diligently find the right spots in the Tulsi gardens to place the hives and thus the divine nectar is collected.

Does this honey have the 'taste' of Tulsi? NO! it does not!

Does this honey have the 'smell' of Tulsi? NO! Not at all!

This mild-sweet honey has excellent medicinal value derived from the plant. When it is about 8-10 months, it has a distinct flavor that has a tinge of bitterness. (No the honey is still sweet, but the aftertaste (around 10 mins) gives you a medicinal effect in the throat.

My ayurvedic doctor give me this honey with his usual 3-day powder-mix. I tasted the honey separately! It tasted no different. But I felt better in just 2 days. When I reported it to the Acharya, he shared the difference of the honey from the generic honey.
- Ahilya Durve
(Amravati, MH, IN)

Divine Tulsi Honey is effective for mild cold and respiratory issues. (as averred by Ayurved acharya.)

About Divine Tulsi Honey

  • Floral Source : Mono-Floral
  • Pollen : Fine pollen
  • Harvest Season : Late-Summer
  • Unheated (Non-pasteurised) : Yes
  • Free of Pesticides : Yes
  • Free of Antibiotics : Yes
  • Taste : Mild Sweetness
  • Colour : Lemon Yellow
  • Aroma : Light Aroma
  • Location : South India
  • Recommended Usage : Daily Medicine and immunity builder. Eat 1-2 tsp per day. Can be used for skincare too.
  • Suggested for : Cold, throat, insomnia issues.
  • Dosage (medicinal use): 1-2 tsp/day.
  • * Not to be fed to infants less than 13 months.*
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