Bright Sunflower

Bright Sunflower Honey

This bright yellow flower, is farmed for its seeds, flowers for edible oil. However the bees too love this plant and the pollen of this plant is slightly larger than other pollen. This is a summer plant and cannot survive icy winters.

These flowers have a large quantity of nectar and pollen too. This makes it easy for small bees to make several short trips to gather large amount of nectar.

I found this Honey suitable to me. Having consistent problems with sleep and generic debility, I was recommended this honey. I began eating it 2/3 times a day after my breafast/lunch/dinner. I started feeling energetic and overall better.
- Anil Dikshit
(Delhi, IN)

Bright Sunflower honey is more yellowish (brighter) and hence its name by us.

About Bright Sunflower Honey

  • Floral Source : Mono-Floral
  • Pollen : Coarse pollen
  • Harvest Season : Mid & Late-Summer
  • Unheated (Non-pasteurised) : Yes
  • Free of Pesticides : Yes
  • Free of Antibiotics : Yes
  • Taste : light Sweetness
  • Colour : Yellow
  • Aroma : Vegie/fruity Aroma
  • Location : South India
  • Recommended Usage : This has a short aftertaste hence suitable for sweetner in juices.
  • Suggested for : Diabetes, Gut Cleaning, Cholesterol, Blood circulation issues.
  • Dosage (medicinal use): 1-2 tsp/day.
  • * Not to be fed to infants less than 13 months.*
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