Native Reserve

Native Reserve Honey

Native Reserve Honey is collected from wilderness beehives. This is polyfloral and has a mix of tree flowers and natural habitat trees. Untouched by the agricultural revolution, the hives are either natural ageold hives or safely kept on high trees in the depths of the lush forests.

This sweet honey is collected once in a year. The annual collection from the hives is naturally rich and potent with natural active nutrients. The medicinal value of this honey is noticable by the consumer. Sometimes the fresh honey has a distinct tangy sweet flavor. (No the honey is still sweet, and you can feel a note of mild sour in it.) The aftertaste gives you a medicinal effect at the back of the tongue. This honey has a special use for skincare - especially for open wounds/bruises and to erase marks on the skin/face/body. The color is usually dark yellow/brown.

My ayurvedic doctor give me this honey with his usual 3-day powder-mix. I tasted the honey separately! It tasted no different. But I felt better in just 2 days. When I reported it to the Acharya, he shared the difference of the honey from the generic honey.
- Ahilya Durve
(Amravati, MH, IN)

Native Reserve Honey is effective for arthritis and digestive issues. (as averred by Ayurved acharya.)

About Native Reserve Honey

  • Floral Source : PolyFloral
  • Pollen : grained pollen
  • Harvest Season : Early-Summer
  • Unheated (Non-pasteurised) : Yes
  • Free of Pesticides : Yes
  • Free of Antibiotics : Yes
  • Taste : Tangy Sweetness
  • Colour : Brown Yellow
  • Location : South India
  • Recommended Usage : Daily Medicine for boosting digestion and immunity builder. Eat 1-2 tsp per day. Can be used externally for bruises too.
  • Suggested for : Arthritis, digestion, blood/gut issues.
  • Dosage (medicinal use): 1-2 tsp/day.
  • * Not to be fed to infants less than 13 months.*
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