About Us
We believe, so we do.


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About us : Who we are? What we do? How we do? Why we do?


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We source, package and sell, the country’s most healthy forest-produce, and through training and sustainable job creation, we empower our harvesters and their families to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter eco-friendly future.


We are Aman and Vipul, Tripathi-cousins-at-large from Mumbai. The creation of Praviam Farmstyle was a heavenly chance that came to us.

We are 20 somethings! Our story starts with the usual nagging doubt about the future. we wanted to know, what exactly is it that will make us genuinely happy, successful and creatively fulfilled? Over the years, we had heard narratives of the lives of our grandpas' and chachas' (uncles). These stories(real?) and anecdotes(brags?) were filled thrills and challenges of their time! The stories enthused us to find 'such' opportunities. Do such opportunities exist today? When will the knock happen?
Tat! Tat! Ratatat! A chance outing to Mahabaleshwar, introduced us to an opportunity. We saw a few small stores selling local forest produce – fruits, dried herbs, honey, condiments, handicraft too. The taste went beyond stirring the taste buds! It stirred our native instinct!
The food products left a lingering aftertaste and aftereffect in us. In exuberance, we talked about the qualified benefits to health. We spoke to the salesperson and manager and learned the difference between ‘natural’ ‘organic’ and ‘chemical’ forest produce. We were intrigued. We smiled!
We knew we were soon going to be ‘agro-preneurs’.

Now, we too want to create a story that our children would like tell our grand-children. A narrative filled with passion, drive, cause, entrepreneurship. A relationship between humans and Nature!

Our Journey

Since the day we began our graduate schooling. We wanted to know, what exactly is it that will make us genuinely happy, successful and creatively fulfilled?

Discussing, arguing, listening, enumerating, dreaming(?) we looked for ways to build on the ‘agro-preneur’ idea. Seeking guidance, looking for answers, visiting and befriending Farms & Farmers, Apiaries & Beekeepers, Business Mentors & consultants for Food, Hygiene, shelf-life, packaging et al – a journey of discovery into evolving from urban hips to farm-life business men. Sounds ‘retro’? We realised the importance of building and nurturing a small enthusiastic team. We believed in ourselves and the trans-formative power of our team-work, communication, technology and outreach, to engage and inspire people everywhere to live a lifestyle with the ‘right’ farm ingredients. Yes, Let's make living healthier together- Adding farmstyle to our lifestyle.

We believe, transformation begins with trying new things, working it out, exploring the ‘real’ world, and treating yourself well for wholesome living. Because we all deserve to live a full life filled with yum. Choosing and bringing the select, finest, 100% authentic forest produce to your table.

Making a beginning

What is in a name? What you 'do' or 'achieve' really matters!

A name is everything! (or is it nothing?) A name that brings to mind the beautiful real nature, with peaceful fields, hills and wildlife stretching out in what feels like an infinite distance in front of you. Yes! The word lifestyle conjured into Farmstyle! - environment and its precious eco-system of flora and fauna, fostering a stillness and peace within us which we want to do our best to share, preserve and nurture.
Praviam Farmstyle birthed as a small team with the focus on revisiting the past for a better future. – let us begin with food. Living a full life means taking control over your health, happiness and wellbeing: beginning with the food we eat every day.
Partnering with committed beekeepers and farmers, farm-auditors and certifiers, Food-scientists, nutritionists, dieticians, physicians, ayurved-acharyas, we have set out to deliver the most ‘natural’ authentic foods to your lards, kitchen and table.

Looking Ahead

Just a year ago we were dreamy eyed budding adults! Today we are on a journey of creating a story for our grandchildren.
Our story begins now! Please do join us in creating this story – as our customer, patron, vendor, well-wisher, influencer - a story of healthy eating for healthy living. Check our Product Range here

Happy Customers
Partners & Auditors
Cities & Towns

Our Team


As we journeyed along, reaching out, we were joined by enthusiastic people, organisations, suppliers, auditors, certifiers and well wishers.
We know that our success in this venture will be steered by our working team as well as our hardworking beekeepers or forest produce curators. We will be guided by research, audits and reports from accredited certifiers/laboratories. Our work-process as well as the work of our curators and sourcing vendors/specialists are certified for proper handling, storage and packaging of every product. Our customers and patrons also make our team, as we seek their views in understanding their needs and providing them services to suit their palette and lifestyle too. Our common goal : healthy eating, healthy living, healthy community. Check our Product Range here



    Process, Quality, Certification

  • Equinox Logo


    Training, Testing & Auditing Partners

  • Javik Bharat Logo


    Our Forest produce curators

  • Varni Labs Logo

    Varni Lab

    Quality Testing and Certification

  • Organic Logo

    India Organic

    Curating process Auditors

  • Praviam Farmstyle Logo

    Our Operations team

    Packaging & Operation Partners

  • Agmark Logo


    Quality Testing and Certification

  • Porter Logo


    Shipping & Logistics Partner

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