Jujubee Sidr Honey

Zizhiphus Sidr Honey

Sidr honey is believe to be a honey of mythical ancestry. This tree (Jujubee/Sidr/) is prevalent in the arid/dry areas, have deep roots and strong. The flowers are Yellow and attract bees for their extra-rich pollen. It is believed the bees have to be real strong to carry this pollen and survive lesser number of trips compared to other honey pollen flowers. The flowering period is very short and hence the quantity of mono-floral honey limited. The colour of this honey changes with time from yellow to amber to red.

Sidr Honey has an abundance of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients which makes it even more potent. It’s a remedy many ailments as well as strengthening the immune system, improving vitality, treating digestive issues and maintaining the health of the gut.

I found this Honey suitable to me. Having consistent problems with sleep and generic debility, I was recommended this honey. I began eating it 2/3 times a day after my breafast/lunch/dinner. I started feeling energetic and overall better.
- Anil Dikshit
(Delhi, IN)

Sidr Honey (Ziziphus/Jujubee) contains a higher content of antioxidants, compared to other honeys, and a high proportion of metals.

About Bright Sunflower Honey

  • Floral Source : Mono-Floral
  • Pollen : Fine pollen
  • Harvest Season : Early-Mid Winter
  • Unheated (Non-pasteurised) : Yes
  • Free of Pesticides : Yes
  • Free of Antibiotics : Yes
  • Taste : Rich Caramel sweet
  • Colour : Amber to Brown
  • Aroma : Earthy /Fruity Aroma
  • Location : North West India
  • Recommended Usage : Excellent health tonic(can be diluted for greater effect)
  • Suggested as : anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects
  • Dosage (medicinal use): 1-2 tsp/day.
  • * Not to be fed to infants less than 13 months.*
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