Indian Nectaraine Raw Honey 225g

  • ₹475.00

Indian Nectaraine Raw Honey 225g

Indian Nectaraine Raw Honey 225g

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  • ₹475.00


True to its name, (some say ‘divine nectar’) this multi-floral honey is a select produce from beekeepers who have allowed the bees to thrive in the free-world mode. The bees go far and wide to select flowers of ‘their’ nectar of choice and return to the hive with ‘joie de vivre’. The hard work of the bees in journeying long distances to their desired flowering plants, the selection of flowers, the passionate sucking of the nectar – This passion, joy and cheer is perhaps experienced by you when you consume it. This mix of floral nectar in the hive is potent with ‘the love of life’. Supersweet in taste, with a rich mild terrestrial aroma, this Indian Nectaraine is simply ‘divine’.

I have a sweet tooth! I admit! Sweet Indian Nectaraine is just the answer to my cravings! Healthy too! Helps me keep fit, energetic and overall in a state of well-being.
- Pooja Hundre (Dombivli, MH, IN)

About Indian Nectaraine

  • Floral Source : Polyflora
  • Pollen : Multi flora
  • Harvest Season : Mid-Summer
  • Unheated (Non-pasteurised) : Yes
  • Free of Pesticides : Yes
  • Free of Antibiotics : Yes
  • Taste : Super Sweet
  • Colour : Light Golden
  • Location : South West India
  • Recommended Usage : Medicine Catalyst/Sweetener in Juices & drinks.
  • Suggested for : Cough, Cold, insomnia, throat issues.

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